Principles for Work

  1. Everything is practice. All practice has a witness. So all practice is shows. Or there are no shows and only practice.
  2. You take your own breaks.
  3. You pay yourself.
  4. You greet each other when you arrive and leave.
  5. Everyone can bring a witness. Witnesses can want to participate.
  6. You can find your own replacement. There is the opportunity to commit and the opportunity to leave.
  7. You speak from your own experience.
  8. It has a location. People know where it happens.
  9. Bring your magic to work. Do not leave your magic at home.
  10. Work from the principles you use in your native art form.
  11. We work from the witness backward.
  12. We communicate about a shared understanding of process and form. Work on the art happens within the process.
  13. The appearance of things is dangerous.
  14. Thinking we have to do something a certain way is dangerous.
  15. We do not have to speak in a way that people already understand. We do want to find understanding.
  16. If there is equipment there is a technician. We are richly set up.
  17. We give credit for other people’s ideas and methods. We know we are interconnected.
  18. There is consent.
  19. Find a way that is easeful.
  20. We are agents of each other’s transformation.
  21. Instead of signing an equity contract, we ratify principles of the Green New Deal.
  22. We’ll see how it works.


Jill Connell
September 10, 2019